The Pleasantly Plump Pet: Why Pet Obesity is Detrimental to Health
Is your pet a little…shall we say, portly? Has your couch potato pooch been less than thrilled with daily exercise? Are you guilty of giving your purr pal one too many cat treats? The fact is, overweight and obese pets – like people – are becoming more of the norm.
And it’s understandable. After all, we adore our furry friends and want them to have the best in treats and mealtime deliciousness. Who can resist those begging eyes when eating lunch or grilling something tasty? Unfortunately, pet obesity is much more than just a problem of aesthetics; obesity can actually shorten your pet’s life.
Hidden Holiday Food Dangers for Pets
Mmmm…rich, sumptuous holiday food. Most of us can hardly wait for these tasty meals. But what about your pet?
During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, pets often get the short end of the turkey leg. When planning feasts of grand and delicious proportions, holiday food dangers are often overlooked until they present a veterinary emergency.
Just a Bite? Help Your Pet Avoid Dangerous Foods
You know your pet is a skilled beggar, suckering any aunt or nephew into sneaking just a little scrap of meat or veggie under the table. Unfortunately, this indulgence can create serious health problems and can sometimes lead to an emergency situation. Continue…