The Importance of Water for Pets and Avoiding Pet Dehydration

dog drinking water

Balanced nutrition is not the only important part of keeping your pet healthy. Water is also vital to your pet’s health and is the main component of healthy, living cells in the body. Without it, your pet’s body will not be able to function properly and he may even become dehydrated. You need to provide enough water for your pet daily, but what else should you be aware of?

July is Pet Dehydration Awareness month, so we thought it may be time to explore the importance of water for pets.


Feeling the Burn: Summer Pet Paw Safety Basics

summer pet safety dog walk walking on pavement

You’re likely to hear that winter can be brutal on a pet’s sensitive paws. Certainly, snow, ice, and winter chemicals can wreak havoc on tender paws, but summertime also poses unique challenges to paw health. Beyond just watching for hot pavement, conscientious pet owners must take precautions to keep their pet’s paws safe and comfortable.

As you gear up for summer, True Care Veterinary Hospital wants to share a few tips about summer pet paw safety. Here are some basics to prevent your pet from feeling the burn of summer.
