How To Recognize and Treat Hot Spots on Dogs

There are usually a few different possible explanations for certain canine behaviors. For example, a dog that obsessively licks, bites or scratches their skin could be suffering from allergies, parasites, or even anxiety, stress, or boredom. If this behavior continues, moist dermatitis (hot spots) may develop. Characterized by terribly itchy, painful open sores, hot spots in dogs don’t heal quickly due to the excessive attention dogs give to them.
Continue…Understanding Pet Noise Anxiety Is Half the Battle

Our pets are phenomenal at navigating the modern world, but there are plenty of surprises that can startle even the most confident animal. In fact, their nerves can get rattled fairly quickly when a loud truck goes by or they find themselves in a crowded public place. As they take cues from their owners, it’s necessary to maintain an emotionally calm or neutral demeanor. However, pet noise anxiety can really get out of control if not dealt with head-on.