Confronting the Pet Obesity Crisis: Strategies for Healthy Weight Management

dog on scale.

A wide variety of medical conditions are either caused or made worse by weight gain. Despite this fact, millions of American pets are considered overweight or obese, a largely preventable outcome with lifestyle and dietary adjustments. 

Weight gain not only impacts a pet’s quality of life, but treating associated diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, can stretch an owner’s resources. Together, we can prevent and manage weight gain, improve gastrointestinal health, and promote overall well-being. 


When It’s Too Cold Outside, Try These Indoor Pet Activities 

Dog carrying toy rope inside the house.

It’s safe to say that we all slow down a little bit in the winter months. Even those of us trying to shed holiday pounds can grow weary of the daily grind this time of year. 

The seasonal conundrum that also affects our beloved pets – they want to run around and play, but sometimes it’s just too cold to enjoy doing so outside. Indoor pet activities can change the game plan at home, and keep everyone fit and happy.
