Urinary Problems in Pets: Beyond the UTI

house training of guilty puppyIt’s a common request: “Brownie is peeing in the house. Can you give him an antibiotic?” The answer to this question, though, is usually no. While urinary tract infections can and do happen in our animal friends, they are not the only cause for pet urinary woes.
Read on to learn why an antibiotic isn’t always the answer when it comes to urinary problems in pets.

Oh, the Possibilities

When we ask to examine your pet after you report a urinary issue, it is for good reason. There are a host of different things that might cause urinary problems in pets, and they are all treated in different ways. Continue…

In Pursuit Of A Long And Happy Nine Lives: Why Cat Wellness Matters

Closeup of cat face. Fauna backgroundThanks to the independent, self-sufficient, even stoic nature of our pet cats, it’s easy to overlook the need for regular wellness care. After all, kitty seems fine, so why go through the trouble of a cat wellness exam?

The truth is, cats are masters at hiding illness and injury, and you likely won’t know anything is wrong with him or her until the situation is critical. During a routine wellness exam your veterinarian may be alerted to a potential problem or health issue, giving us the opportunity to nip it in the bud and potentially save your cat needless suffering, increase his or her chance of a full recovery, and even save money. Continue…