Party Animals! Keep Your Furry Guests Safe with Our Pet Party Safety Tips

Get-togethers with family and friends tend to increase as the snow (finally!) melts and the temperatures rise. Although our family pets often like to join in the revelry, it’s important to keep pet party safety in mind as spring and summer “party seasons” get underway.

The Buffet

It’s hard to resist a set of puppy dog eyes, but for your pet’s safety make sure guests don’t offer table scraps to him or her. Many popular party edibles can be poisonous to pets, including:


Heartworms in Cats

There are so many things that we cannot protect our precious pets from, but when it comes to parasites such as heartworms in cats, we often have a real chance at preventing trouble. Most dog owners know about heartworms, but owners with feline family members aren’t always as knowledgeable.

Heartworm disease in cats is a real issue, and this parasite has worse implications for our kitty companions. True Care Veterinary Hospital thinks it is important for our clients to understand the risks and implications of heartworms in cats.

Understanding the Heartworm

The heartworms that infect dogs are the same as those that infect cats. These nasty little parasitic worms carry the scientific name Dirofilaria immitis and are transmitted by the mosquito. When an infected animal is bitten, the mosquito carries tiny baby heartworms, called microfilaria, in its digestive system until it bites another animal, infecting that victim with the parasite.
