The Pleasantly Plump Pet: Why Pet Obesity is Detrimental to Health

pet obesityIs your pet a little…shall we say, portly? Has your couch potato pooch been less than thrilled with daily exercise? Are you guilty of giving your purr pal one too many cat treats? The fact is, overweight and obese pets – like people – are becoming more of the norm.

And it’s understandable. After all, we adore our furry friends and want them to have the best in treats and mealtime deliciousness. Who can resist those begging eyes when eating lunch or grilling something tasty? Unfortunately, pet obesity is much more than just a problem of aesthetics; obesity can actually shorten your pet’s life.


Summer Heat Safety for Pets

summer heatThe dog days of summer are upon us, and that means hazy air, hot temperatures, and lots of lemonade on ice. Thanks to our long winters here in the Northeast, many of us spend as much time as possible outdoors, trying to soak up enough sun to last us through the next season of gray skies and brutal snowstorms.

It’s important to keep in mind that pets need extra TLC during these hot and humid months. Heat safety for pets should be a priority for any family that shares a home with an animal. Your team at True Care Veterinary Hospital has the tips to help you take the best possible care of your furry friends.
