Explaining Pet Loss to Children

For many children, their first experience of death occurs with the loss of a pet. The death of a pet offers parents the chance to show their children that death is a part of life and that it’s ok to grieve.
Explaining pet loss to children depends on the age of the child and the parent’s comfort level with loss and grief. Come along with True Care Veterinary Hospital as we explore explaining pet loss to children.
Continue…When It’s Time to Say Goodbye: Coping with End of Life Pet Care
Whether you’ve raised your pet from their puppy or kitten years, or lovingly adopted them as a senior pet, the loss of a beloved animal companion is never easy. Decisions about end of life pet care can make this challenging time even more difficult, as you may be coping with feelings of guilt, or wondering whether or not you are doing the right thing.
Humane euthanization of a pet is never a decision to be taken lightly, but in many cases, it’s one of the most important choices we can make as pet owners. Your friends at True Care Veterinary Hospital are committed to walking alongside you as you navigate the many aspects of care involved in end of life.