Pet Pancreatitis During the Holiday Season

A dog looks at a turkey.

The best holiday traditions often revolve around family, friends, and good food. Sneaking treats to your pet during the festivities might seem harmless, but in fact, can lead to a potentially dangerous condition called pancreatitis. The team at True Care Veterinary Hospital is here to explain more about pancreatitis in pets so you can do your best to avoid this painful problem this holiday season.


Too Many Temptations: How to Practice Good Holiday Pet Safety

cat with christmas ornaments

Few things are more exciting than celebrations with family and friends during the holiday season. And since a full 70% of us consider our pets to be family members, it’s a given that we want to share the holiday festivities with our pets. 

But easy access to holiday food, decorations, and all the parties and visitors that herald the season can spell big trouble for our pets. And nothing can ruin a holiday celebration like a trip to the animal emergency room.

Keep your holidays merry and bright with our holiday pet safety tips, and avoid a pet emergency this year. 
